What is better than fresh bread? My recipe for Flatbread is very easy and quick (once you've made the dough). It's perfect to serve with breakfast, lunch, or dinner. So what's stopping you? Get grilling!

Makes 4
Hands-on Time 30 minutes
Proving Time +2 hours
Grilling Time 5-7 minutes
250g Strong white bread flour (plus extra for dusting)
1 1/2 tsp Fast-action yeast
1/2 tsp Fine sea salt
2 tbsp Olive oil (plus extra for greasing)
165ml Water
2 tsp Sea salt flakes (optional)
Mixing bowl
Tea towel or clingfilm
Grill rack (optional)
Baking sheet
Pastry brush
Add the flour to the mixing bowl.
Add the yeast to one side and the salt and 2 tbsp of oil to the other.
Add the water and start to combine either using your hands or in a freestanding mixer.

If you are kneading the dough by hand, and once the all of the flour has been incorporated, tip the dough out onto a very lightly oiled surface.
Knead for up to 10 minutes until the dough is nice and smooth.

Clean and lightly oil the mixing bowl before transferring the dough back into it.
Cover with a tea towel or clingfilm and leave to double in size. Even better, leave it overnight in the fridge for a slow prove.
When you’re ready to bake the bread, pre-heat your grill on a medium-high setting.
If you have a grill rack, place this upside down onto the baking sheet and pop under the grill to warm up. The grill rack needs to be upside down so there’s no space between it and the baking sheet. This allows you to create the griddled look.

Flour the worktop and tip out the dough.
Divide into 4 pieces.

Taking one portion, hold the top edges between your fingers and let gravity do the work. Rotate the dough around every now and then so that hopefully you create some sort of round, oval, or more likely triangular shape. You shouldn’t need to stretch the dough too much. Make sure you don’t leave too much of a thick edge on the dough.

Once you’re happy with dough lay it down onto the floured worktop and shape the other pieces.
Carefully remove the baking sheet from the grill and place two pieces of dough onto the wire rack (if you are using it, otherwise directly onto the baking sheet) and pop under the grill for 3-4 minutes until puffed up and a golden brown.
Remove the tray and carefully flip the bread over. You may find it is clinging to the rack but it should come free with a little encouragement. Pop back under the grill for another 2-3 minutes.
Once baked, drizzle a little olive oil over the bread and coat using a pastry brush. If you like, sprinkle some sea salt flakes over the top.

Repeat the above steps with the remaining two pieces of dough.

Recipes you can make using the flatbread: